
Introducing the powerful new reactive language designed around live‑updating values.

All the power of streams, without all the callbacks.

import { now } from 'reflex::time';

// Current datetime (sampled every 1000 milliseconds)
const timestamp = now({ interval: 1000 });

const millis = timestamp.getTime(); // Live-updating value

// Output will change automatically once per second
export default `Current UNIX time: ${Math.floor(millis / 1000)}`;
Current UNIX time:

Fully reactive

All values are change‑tracked and update automatically, with no need for manual diffing or memoization

Familiar syntax

Write complex real‑time applications using straightforward synchronous JavaScript source code

Batteries included

Fully loaded with library helpers for serving subscription APIs and integrating streaming data sources

How it works

Reactivity made simple

Reflex's update mechanism is divided into four phases, which combine to provide full reactivity at no cost to the developer


Static analysis

The Reflex compiler parses source code into a tree of sub-expressions, determining which nodes are stateful


Dependency tracking

The Reflex runtime tracks each sub‑expression's state dependencies, building up an overall dependency tree


Targeted recomputation

Whenever external state changes, the Reflex runtime immediately recomputes any affected values


Live result syncing

Existing results are patched with a minimal delta containing just the recomputed values

Developer experience

Write reactive apps using a language you already know

  • Simple JavaScript syntax

    Reflex's JS dialect is a strict subset of 'the good parts' of ECMAScript, with no proprietary syntax to learn. Any syntax not supported by Reflex will be flagged by the Reflex ESLint rules as you type

  • Synchronously asynchronous

    No need for async/await or promises – write your code as if everything is synchronous, and Reflex will figure out the optimal non‑blocking parallel execution strategy, even with streams

  • Keep your existing IDE and tooling

    Use your favourite JS/TS build tools alongside the Reflex TypeScript definitions for the full experience

import { hash } from 'reflex::core';
import { fetch, Request } from 'reflex::http';
import { now } from 'reflex::time';

const response = fetch(new Request({
method: 'GET',
url: '',
headers: {},
body: null,
// Automatically re-fetches every 1000ms when the token changes
token: hash(now({ interval: 1000 })),

// Output will change whenever the fetch returns a different payload
export default `Current UNIX time: ${response.json().unixtime}`;
Current UNIX time:
Data transformation

Seamless integration with all your data sources

import CurrencyService from './services/graphql/currency.graphql';
import { StocksService } from './services/grpc/stocks.proto.bin';

const currencyApi = new CurrencyService({
url: process.env.CURRENCY_API_URL

const stocksApi = new StocksService({
url: process.env.STOCKS_API_URL

const getLiveStockPrice = (ticker) => {
const { price } = stocksApi.StreamLiveStockPrice(
{ ticker }, { token: null }
return price;

const getLiveExchangeRate = (from, to) => {
const { exchangeRate } = currencyApi.execute({
query: `
subscription LiveExchangeRate($from: ID!, $to: ID!) {
exchangeRate(from: $from, to: $to)
variables: { from, to },
token: null,
return exchangeRate;

const getLocaleStockPrice = (ticker, currency) => {
const price = getLiveStockPrice(ticker);
const exchangeRate = getLiveExchangeRate('USD', currency);
// Perform computations on live-updating values using plain JS
return price * exchangeRate;

// Output will change whenever the price or exchange rate changes
export default `Price in GBP: ${getLocaleStockPrice('ACME', 'GBP')}`;
  • External API integration

    Data adapters for HTTP, GraphQL and gRPC services, with first‑class support for streaming endpoints and built‑in helpers for polling and retrying

  • Stream-native data transformation

    Write simple JavaScript code to perform complex dynamic streaming joins on deeply nested relational data

  • Optimal batch loading

    Avoid the n+1 problem by using the Reflex DataLoader helper to batch entities into the minimal number of external requests

Going live

Serve streaming APIs with minimal effort

  • First‑class subscription server

    Reflex Server exposes a Web Socket based GraphQL subscription server for transparent transport of streaming values

  • Live queries out‑of‑the‑box

    Expose arbitrarily deeply nested GraphQL subscription graph roots that live‑update with no extra developer effort

  • Efficient real-time updates

    Reflex Server can automatically diff results of live GraphQL subscriptions, ensuring only minimal patch payloads are sent to the consumer when values change

import { Resolver } from 'reflex::graphql';
import { now } from 'reflex::time';

const resolvers = {
Query: {
greet: ({ user }) => `Hello, ${user || 'world'}`,
timestamp: () => {
const timestamp = now({ interval: 1000 });
const millis = timestamp.getTime();
return Math.floor(millis / 1000);

// Export GraphQL server root
export default new Resolver({
query: resolvers.Query,
mutation: null,
subscription: resolvers.Query, // Serve live queries over WebSocket

Technical features

Flexible server transport

Reflex Server exposes its GraphQL API over both streaming Web Socket and traditional request/response HTTP protocols, allowing consumers to choose their preferred transport method

First‑class observability

Reflex Server has built‑in support for OpenTelemetry tracing, Prometheus/Grafana metrics, and structured JSON logging, plus full session capture for replaying hard-to-reproduce errors

Pure functional

Reflex's pure functions, immutable data structures and algebraic effects system allow for deterministic recording, replaying and mocking of side‑effects, plus bulletproof test suites

Syntax agnostic

The Reflex compiler parses source code into a generic internal representation based on the lambda calculus, allowing for future seamless interop between modules written in different languages

WASM compiler back‑end

The Reflex compiler transforms user code into optimized WASM bytecode modules for fast, portable runtime execution

Implemented in Rust

Reflex benefits from the Rust language ecosystem for improved robustness, reliability and runtime performance

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